The Center for Genetics and Society brings social justice and human rights to the center of public and policy discussions about human genetics and assisted reproduction.


Biopolitical Times

Flag of South Africa; design by Frederick Brownell,
image by WikimediaCommons users
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

What is the legal status of heritable human genome editing (HHGE)? In 2020, a comprehensive policy analysis by Baylis, Darnovsky, Hasson, and Krahn documented that more than 70 countries and an international treaty prohibit it, and that no country explicitly permits it. Policies in some countries were non-existent, ambiguous, or subject to possible amendment, but the general rule remained, even after one...

Biopolitical Times

Gig work in childcare, nursing, and transportation; non-invasive prenatal testing; gene editing; and space expeditions can all be attributed to one mistaken, pervasive assumption: that “we can innovate our way out of the thorniest problems, including reproductive ones” (22). In Reproductive Labor and Innovation: Against the Tech Fix in an Era of Hype, feminist political theorist Jennifer Denbow demonstrates why the U.S. has put so much of its hopes, and its money, on technological “innovations”––and why that hasn’t addressed...

Aggregated News

A US startup company is offering to help wealthy couples screen their embryos for IQ using controversial technology that raises...

Aggregated News

A little-noticed change to South Africa’s national health research guidelines, published in May of this year, has put the...

Biopolitical Times

Gig work in childcare, nursing, and transportation; non-invasive prenatal testing; gene editing; and space expeditions can all be attributed to...

Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore  is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

On October 7, Donald Trump’s long-standing promotion...


Photo "Traces of Willowbrook" by Matt Green on Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

In academic medicine, as with Confederate statuary, the mighty are starting to fall. The names of physicians once celebrated for ethically questionable research are finally being removed...

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a set of principles for the ethical collection, access, use and sharing of human genomic data. Created with guidance from the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Genomics (TAG-G) and other international experts, these...

Photo "Elon Musk Presenting Tesla's Fully Autonomous Future" by  on Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Is Elon Musk the dinner party guest from hell? It sure seems that way. Not only is the man desperate for people to...

It’s the wee hours of 2nd November 2024 in Cali, Colombia. In a large UN negotiating hall   Colombian Environment Minister Susana Muhamed  has slammed down the gavel on a decision that should send a jolt through the AI policy world. ...


Reproduction and Family Formation: The State and the Market
Use Gene Editing to Make Better Babies | Debate | Intelligence Squared U.S.
The 'Perfect' Baby?: The Dangers of Gene Editing in Assisted Reproduction