
KPIX 5 CBS SF Bay Area: Only a week after announcing that he altered the DNA of embryos for seven...

On CGTN America, Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, the executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, discusses the ethics of...

The World Forum on Science and Democracy brings together “representatives of civil society engaged in the democratization of the production...

Catherine Kudlick (Longmore Institute, SFSU) offers opening remarks about the film Gattaca, followed by a panel discussion with Kudlick, Marcy...

Troy Duster (UC Berkeley) offers opening remarks about the film Gattaca, followed by a panel discussion between Duster, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson...

Alondra Nelson and Jenny Reardon , both authors of recent books about genomics and social justice, engaged in conversation about...

On November 16, 2017, Shobita Parthasarathy, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan spoke...

On August 23, 2017, Ben Hurlbut, Professor of Life Sciences at Arizona State University, spoke with Patricia Williams, James L...

This webinar discusses the role reproductive health, rights and justice advocates can play in preventing a high-tech eugenic future where some...

On April 24, 2017, disability rights activists Anita Cameron and Mia Mingus, alongside sociologist and bioethicist Tom Shakespeare and feminist disability studies scholar Rosemarie...
Leah Lowthorp and Jessica Cussins describe an emerging technique used with IVF that alters genes which are passed down to future generations. It’s an...
A live interview with CGS's Marcy Darnovsky on Fox News, where she offers insights to an a fertility clinic in Los Angeles, CA that wants to allow parents the ability to choose their children's traits.

The Center for Genetics and Society organized an event with Harvard Professor of Government Michael Sandel, whose talk was titled...

Richard Hayes of the Center for Genetics and Society spoke at Sandia National Laboratories on June 25, 2007. See the...

Powerful new “gene editing” techniques have put the prospect of genetically modified human beings on the foreseeable horizon. Should we use these tools to improve the human species?