Societal Implications of Emerging Technologies

A scientist holds a strand of DNA and a tweezer tool.

The Center for Genetics and Society spoke by invitation at the 500-person International Summit on Human Gene Editing in Washington, DC, organized by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the UK's Royal Society.  CGS was the sole public interest advocate to be invited to present.

The summit was convened to discuss the scientific, ethical, and governance issues associated with research into human genetic engineering.

To view the agenda, click here. For a list and biography of the summit's planning committee members, speakers, and moderators, click here.

Marcy Darnovsky presented comments on a panel titled “Societal Implications of Emerging Technologies,” which was frequently quoted in subsequent news coverage of the summit. Following the summit, Darnovksy was invited to comment in an op-ed for The Guardian, "Human gene editing is a social and political matter, not just a scientific one."


Societal Implications of Emerging Technologies - Marcy Darnovsky, Center for Genetics and Society from The National Academies on Vimeo.