Aggregated News

A young baby with a soother in their mouth, stares at the camera as they grasp the window that displays their reflection

If you've made the joke recently about how Idiocracy is coming true, ask yourself this: How would you fix it? If the problem is that all of the dumbest people are breeding with each other, do you set up a system to cultivate the best genes from society's greatest geniuses to breed a superior race?

Well, that's actually been tried. And we're about to show you how it can go horribly wrong.

In the 1970s, a guy named Robert Graham ran a lab dubbed "the Nobel Prize sperm bank." He aimed to collect the semen of Nobel laureates and impregnate as many women as possible with their superior seed. We talked to one of the products of this experiment, Nick, who explained that the result wasn't exactly what Graham had in mind ...

6. Learning The Truth Was Exactly Like Being Accepted To Hogwarts

Even before I learned I was born thanks to a eugenics experiment, I suspected there was something weird going on with me in the parenting department. My supposed father looked nothing like me and we had...