The Perils and Promise of Edge Technologies

A puzzle of DNA is spotlighted, with a few puzzle pieces still missing.

Marcy Darnovsky was a workshop speaker at the 27th annual National Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, California.

Dramatic advances in several cutting-edge technologies, such as genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence and communications media, could radically alter life on Earth. There is indeed great potential for increasing the common good in some of these spheres, but they each pose great risks as well as present complex conundrums regarding their regulation. The example of nuclear power and Fukushima reminds us of the very real perils of technological hubris, and the dramatic capacity of new technologies such as synthetic biology and CRISPR gene editing to potentially re-shape our very DNA raise enormously consequential ethical conundrums.

Hosted by J.P. Harpignies, Bioneers Conference Associate Producer.


Marcy Darnovsky, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Center for Genetics and Society
Mayumi Oda, world-renowned artist, longtime anti-nuclear activist
Elizabeth Dwoskin, Silicon Valley reporter for the Washington Post

Image via Pixabay