Egg Donation Survey

Posted by Jillian Theil August 2, 2011
Biopolitical Times

As gamete donation continues to provoke conversation and debate (1, 2), a survey on egg donation by Generations Ahead is gathering data on women’s attitudes towards the process.

The survey aims to make sure that women's voices do not get left out of the discussions surrounding gamete retrieval. In a description of their project, Generations Ahead writes:

The focus of these discussions tends to be the families receiving the eggs, or how much donors should get compensated. We want to find out what women think and feel about egg donation, why a woman would decide to donate her eggs, or why not, and what information or support a woman would want throughout the process.

The survey results will also be used to design a website that will provide young women with comprehensive information on egg donation.

To fill out the survey, please click here.