Aggregated News

On 28 February, bioethicist Glenn McGee resigned his position as president of ethics and strategic initiatives at the stem-cell firm Celltex Therapeutics in Houston, Texas. It was the end of a turbulent three months for the founder and long-time editor of the highest-impact bioethics journal, the American Journal of Bioethics.

The announcement, posted on his Twitter page, came just two weeks after the 13 February press release by Celltex announcing that he would take the position. “I am preparing timely, lengthy, pointed comments on the whole matter,” McGee said on Twitter.

McGee had been working with Celltex since December 2011. The fact that he held that post while still being the editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Bioethics, which he quit in February, drew scorn from many peers in bioethics (see Editor’s move sparks backlash).

McGee had aspired to put the company on high ethical grounds by carrying out clinical trials. When Celltex announced his move, McGee commented: “I am very excited about being part of Celltex as we bring this enormously promising new technology...