Assisted Reproductive Technologies Working Group



  • Analyze ART in the context of historical and contemporary reproductive oppression and eugenic thinking, policies and practices
  • Deepen understanding among members about health, ethical, rights, and justice concerns raised by ART and related human biotechnologies, in particular germline gene editing
  • Provide a safe space to discuss controversial issues and public policy related to ART
  • Track anti-choice efforts that use concerns about ART to undermine abortion and other reproductive rights

Established in 2013 and co-hosted by CGS and the Pro-Choice Alliance for Responsible Research, the ART Working Group now includes 150 members from 15 countries. Through members-only exchanges via the listserv and virtual conversations, the Working Group provides a venue for extended discussion and collaboration among reproductive rights and justice leaders as well as leaders in allied movements, regarding the intersection of reproductive and genetic technologies with reproductive, disability, racial, and LGBTQ justice.

In 2021, we launched monthly “Coffee Hours” where members engage with challenging topics related to reproductive and genetic technologies. Examples of coffee hour topics include:

  • Implicit Bias Around Disabilities in Health Care and Implications for Assisted Reproduction: Conflict Between Reproductive Liberty and Disability Rights
  • Confronting Racism in Technology and Parallels to Our Work on ART and Germline Editing
  • The Continuing Power of Eugenics: Structural Racism and "Choice" in ART