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In a unanimous decision, a Washington appeals court has upheld a $50 million verdict in favor of a King County couple whose son was born with severe birth defects that should have been spotted by genetic testing.

Ruling Monday, the three-judge appellate court affirmed the December 2013 verdict in favor of Rhea and Brock Wuth, whose son Oliver suffers from a chromosomal problem the Wuths had asked doctors to check for. Three care providers -- including the Valley Medical Center in Renton -- had asked that the judgment be thrown out.

Born in 2008, Oliver’s body didn’t make sense. His fingers were long, but his hands, like his feet, were tiny. His head was bent and turned, his leg muscles so tight they wouldn’t straighten. His parents described him as “vacant” and “broken.”

Four years later, Oliver could walk but not run or climb stairs. His brain was underdeveloped and small. His language consisted of a few dozen words understood only by those closest to him. He’ll require a lifetime of demanding care.

Prior to his birth, the...