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Geneticist Razib Khan's decision to obtain the whole genome sequence of his partner's fetus in utero shows us that genomics is no longer a fantasy. While it would be a mistake to use this one example to condemn the entire practice of whole genome sequencing (WGS) prior to birth, I will suggest here why we should look before we leap regarding prenatal WGS.

If you lean towards the permissive with respect to genomics, this sequencing event may not be a big deal. Genomic sequencing technology is now fast and cheap. Long-held paradigms such as non-directiveness and respecting children's future autonomy may no longer apply when sequence information is becoming almost mundane and is striding into new healthcare domains. Presumptions of bodily integrity and reproductive autonomy in pregnancy may further diminish concerns – after all, we have very few justifiable thresholds for interfering in decision-making during pregnancy and the harm to the future child that may occur here would be unlikely to reach them.