Aggregated News

Women who freeze their eggs to delay motherhood are being given false hope by some fertility clinics, an IVF expert has claimed, saying there is no guarantee.

And he believes that some clinics that offer services for healthy women to freeze eggs – at a cost of thousands of dollars – are guilty of an "expensive confidence trick".

Dr Robert Winston, an IVF pioneer who also appears as a medical expert on British television, said there was no guarantee the women would go on to have children or that any babies they did conceive would be completely healthy.

His warning comes as more women turn to egg-freezing in an attempt to beat their biological clocks.

The service has been offered for several years – but initially to patients who wanted to preserve eggs before undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

But an increasing number of IVF clinics are now offering to harvest and freeze eggs – at a cost of about $10,000 a time – for healthy women, although some insist the patient is not aged over 40.

The Queensland Fertility Group...