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Directors of the California stem cell agency this morning approved an $890 million plan for the next five years as it surges forward with a risky and ambitious effort to build an “industrial stem cell therapeutic powerhouse” in the Golden State.

The agency proposes 50 new clinical trials on top of 15 already underway. Next year it expects to set up a $150 million partnership with private investors to turn research into cures. Investors would have first pick of the best research that CIRM has to offer that currently lacks a partner. 

Other ventures and goals for what could be the agency's last five years of life include:
  • Introduction of 50 new therapeutic or device candidates into development
  • Working to create a more favorable federal regulatory environment
  • Reduction by 50 percent the time it takes basic research to move into a clinical trial
  • Creation of two centers at $15 million each to assist in much of the "backroom" work needed for clinical trials
  • Creation of an online, hook-up center for researchers looking for collaborators to advance their work...