Aggregated News

A California woman is suing the federal government, arguing she should have the right to be artificially inseminated by a sperm donor of her choosing.

The anonymous woman is targeting the Food and Drug Administration, which regulates sperm banks to make sure donations are screened for sexually transmitted diseases.

The hopeful mother says the rules violate her constitutional right to start a family with whomever she wants, Fox News reported.

She and her lawyer, Amber Abbai, argue that it's unconstitutional to regulate "private, uncompensated" sperm donations.

Abbai told Fox News the woman and her female partner are trying to have a child but want the baby to know its biological father.

The woman is also concerned about the cost of going through a sperm bank, Abbai said.

Costs can run from $300-$800 per insemination, according to Usually the cost is not covered by insurance.

One rogue donor has been helping couples skirt the fees and FDA regulations by donating sperm under the radar, at low or no cost.

The man, Trent Arsenault, 36, of California, is being...