From the Sports Desk

Posted by Pete Shanks June 30, 2009
Biopolitical Times

On June 19th, the New York Times published an Op-Ed about baseball titled "Let Steroids Into the Hall of Fame." We at the Biopolitical Times Sports Desk were not happy. It was an extraordinarily over-the-top defense of drugs in sport that ended in hyperbole:

If [the Baseball Hall of Fame] excommunicates the greatest stars anyone has ever seen, it will suffer the fate of all battlefields located on the wrong side of history. Obscurity.

Yesterday, however, the Times published four separate letters of complaint. Between them, they complain about the damage drugs have done to the nature of the sport; note the pernicious influence steroid users may have on children; object to supporting criminal activity; and stress the health risks involved.

We find it heartening that the Times did not publish a single letter endorsing doping in baseball. Chalk up a win for common sense

Previously on Biopolitical Times: