Breadline or egg line?

Posted by Marcy Darnovsky August 6, 2008
Biopolitical Times

A short article carried by dozens of TV news sites describes a surge in the number of women who want to sell their eggs or carry surrogate pregnancies. "There's no reason to think that suddenly there's 30 percent more people who have suddenly had this inner feeling to help out people. And what's changed? It’s the economy," said Dr. Edward Marut of the Fertility Centers of Illinois.

But other fertility docs are less willing to admit the obvious. Dr. Bruce Shapiro, of the Fertility Center of Las Vegas, is still “hop[ing] the economy is not the main reason.” But then, Dr. Shapiro also seems to be in denial about what the egg retrieval procedure entails: “He said the side effects of donation usually include some aches and cramps, similar to those of a woman's period.”

And for more from La-La-Land, check out the sound track on Doc Shapiro’s website.

(But maybe it's me who's in denial - I thought muzak jingles like this were only used to sell shampoo and Viagra.)

Previously on Biopolitical Times: