Aggregated News

Suit asserting embryo rights seeks to block research grants.

LOS ANGELES - A new lawsuit challenging the destruction of human embryos for stem cell research could further jeopardize the future financing of California's stem cell research program.

The lawsuit filed by abortion foes against stem cell agency board members and other state officials must overcome major legal obstacles. It goes beyond any previous court rulings by seeking to have human embryos declared persons with constitutional rights.

Nicole Pagano, spokeswoman for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, said Monday that the agency hadn't seen the latest lawsuit and couldn't comment on it.
The new lawsuit poses yet more problems for the state's attempts to sell the first of $3 billion in bonds that California voters approved for stem cell research in November.

The stem cell agency already delayed its bond sale because of a separate lawsuit challenging its use of tax dollars. A second case could cause even further delays in the legal process.

The state Attorney General's Office has said the bonds are unmarketable because investors are so reluctant to...